Thursday, January 17, 2013

Who am I?

After a year of silence, on both our ends, I am back to the world of sharing view online.  I wasn't out of the country this time, I just found myself with different priorities of which I'm happy to have rid myself in the past few months.  Retail being the main waste of time, both in store and in lifestyle change.  I drank the company kool-aid, cared about the store gossip, and aligned myself with the team only to realize I had lost myself.  So, here I am, again, reborn.

It has recently come to my awareness (as things sometimes do when one learns things through the process of observation not in directly being taught) that I may not "grow up" to be some CEO on the cover of NYT making deals with the Japanese in high-rise boardrooms.  It has also recently come to my attention that I do not want to be that kind of person.  If college was the time that the decisions I made day after day shaped me into the person I would become, post college life has me reflecting on what the effect of those choices had on me... I'm discovering who I am now.  I am discovering that many of those potential paths that made me so excited to ruminate on now, in the light of day and real life plans, seem of little life value in the great scheme of things.  Like the CEO situation.  Part of the self discovery is the acknowledgement of where I actually do find worth.  This is an ever continuing enterprise but it's happening and the paths are narrowing.  I am moving towards something concrete.  And this time I think I know what I'm doing. (Maybe).

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